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Cheques Act 1986

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

includes a counter ‐ claim and set ‐ off.

Cheques Act 1986 Cheques Act 1986 - 3 Interpretation
agency cheque

means a cheque to which subsection 100(2) applies.

Cheques Act 1986 Cheques Act 1986 - 3 Interpretation
Cheques Act 1986 - 100 Agency cheques

includes the external Territories.

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means the person in possession of a cheque payable to bearer.

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, in relation to a cheque, means the transfer of possession of the cheque from one person to another.

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drawee institution

, in relation to a cheque, means the financial institution on which the cheque is drawn.

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Cheques Act 1986 Cheques Act 1986 - 3 Interpretation

, in relation to a cheque, means the first delivery of the cheque to a person who takes the cheque as holder.

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, in relation to a cheque, means possession (whether actual or constructive) of the cheque.

Cheques Act 1986 Cheques Act 1986 - 3 Interpretation
to or to the order of

has the meaning given by subsection ( 1A).

Cheques Act 1986 Cheques Act 1986 - 3 Interpretation

means valuable consideration as defined by section 35.

Cheques Act 1986 Cheques Act 1986 - 3 Interpretation
Cheques Act 1986 - 35 Valuable consideration defined

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