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Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
ACNC‐registered charity

means an entity that is registered under the Australian Charities and Not ‐ for ‐ profits Commission Act 2012 as the type of entity mentioned in column 1 of item 1 of the table in subsection 25 ‐ 5(5) of that Act.

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

: this Act applies to some entities that are not agents in the same way as it applies to agents: see subsections ( 6) and (7).

Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 - 4 Definitions
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 - 6 Entitlement to cash flow boost—second boosts
annual tax period

has the meaning given by section 151 ‐ 40.

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

has the meaning given by section 318 of the * ITAA 1936.

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999
cash flow boost

has the meaning given by subsection s 5 (1) and 6 (1 ) .

Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 - 4 Definitions
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 - 5 Entitlement to cash flow boost—first boosts

means the Commissioner of Taxation .

Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 - 4 Definitions
general interest charge

means the charge worked out under Part IIA.

Taxation Administration Act 1953 Taxation Administration Act 1953 - 2 Interpretation
medium business entity

, for an income year, means an entity covered by subsection ( 2) for the income year .

Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 - 4 Definitions
Boosting Cash Flow for Employers (Coronavirus Economic Response Package) Act 2020 - 2 Commencement

has the meaning given by subsection 165 ‐ 10(2).

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999
taxable supply

has the meaning given by sections 9 ‐ 5, 78 ‐ 50, 84 ‐ 5 and 105 ‐ 5.

A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999

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