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Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
Acting Director

means a person appointed under section 31 to act as the Director.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973

includes re ‐ appointed, and appointment has a corresponding meaning.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973

means to transmit by way of television or radio, and broadcasting has a corresponding meaning.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973

means the Council of the Australian Film, Television and Radio School established by section 7.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973

means the Director of the School appointed under section 24.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973
ex‐officio member

means a member, being the Director or an Acting Director.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973
Finance Minister

means the Minister administering the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 .

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973

means a member of the Council.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973
member of the staff of the School

means, except in section 21, a person who is employed on a full ‐ time basis under section 34, being a person who has been so employed, or whose term of employment is, for a period of 12 months or more.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973


Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973

means the Australian Film, Television and Radio School established by section 4.

Australian Film, Television and Radio School Act 1973

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