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Comprehensive Sustainable Finance Agenda

Financial year
Purpose statement

Support its sustainable finance agenda, including:

* $8.3 million over 4 years from 2023-24 (and $1.3 million per year ongoing) to establish a sovereign green bond program to raise capital for environmental and climate change related programs

* $4.3 million in 2023-24 for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to ensure the integrity of sustainable finance markets by investigating and undertaking enforcement action against market participants engaging in greenwashing and other sustainable finance misconduct

* $1.6 million in 2023-24 to support the initial development of a sustainable finance taxonomy for classifying economic activities according to their impact on sustainability goals.

Budget Measure type

The Government will provide $14.2 million over 4 years from 2023-24 to support its sustainable finance agenda, including: * $8.3 million over 4 years from 2023-24 (and $1.3 million per year ongoing) to establish a sovereign green bond program to raise capital for environmental and climate change related programs * $4.3 million in 2023-24 for the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to ensure the integrity of sustainable finance markets by investigating and undertaking enforcement action against market participants engaging in greenwashing and other sustainable finance misconduct * $1.6 million in 2023-24 to support the initial development of a sustainable finance taxonomy for classifying economic activities according to their impact on sustainability goals. Funding for ASIC activities will be cost recovered through levies under ASIC's industry funding model. Partial funding for this measure will be held in the Contingency Reserve. The financial implications for some elements of this measure are not for publication (nfp) due to commercial sensitivities.


This site is generated from open public information stored in the Finance Knowledge Graph. For more information, please see: About