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Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water - reprioritisation

Financial year
Purpose statement

Fund portfolio policy priorities.

Budget Measure type

The Government will redirect $113.1 million over 8 years from 2022-23 across the Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water portfolio to fund portfolio policy priorities. Redirected funding includes:

* $57.2 million from uncommitted funding from the 2021-22 Budget measure titled Emissions Reduction and New Investments under the Technology Investment Roadmap to new measures supporting clean energy technology investment

* $22.2 million from the partial reversal of the 2020-21 Budget measure titled JobMaker Plan - securing Australia's liquid fuel stocks, including reducing uncommitted funding for diesel storage projects not taken up by industry

* $10.5 million from the partial reversal of the 2020-21 Budget measure titled JobMaker Plan - investment in new energy technologies, including redirecting uncommitted research funding to delivering high-quality emissions data and reporting against Australia's emissions reduction targets

* $10.0 million from the partial reversal of the 2022-23 March Budget measure titled Strengthening the Great Barrier Reef through Stewardship and Leadership, with uncommitted funding to be redirected towards tropical marine science activities that better align with Government priorities

* $6.5 million from the partial reversal of the 2021-22 Budget measure titled Agriculture redirected to better align with Government priorities

* $4.0 million from the partial reversal of the 2021-22 Budget measure titled Incentivising Recycling Behaviours, with uncommitted funding from the Food Waste for Healthy Soils Fund to be redirected to better align with Government priorities

* $2.0 million from the partial reversal of the 2022-23 March Budget measure titled Streamlining Environmental Protections and Modernising Indigenous Cultural Heritage Protections, with uncommitted funding to be redirected towards implementing the Government's Nature Positive Plan: better for environment, better for business

* $0.7 million from the partial reversal of the 2019-20 Budget measure titled Climate Solutions Package to redirect uncommitted funding from the Energy Efficient Communities program to better align with Government priorities.

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