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Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

means a person engaged under section 16B.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 16B Consultants
control area

means an area in a transport vehicle from which essential operational activities are directed or controlled.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions

means the head of the relevant State or Territory coronial jurisdiction or a person directed by that head to conduct a coronial inquiry.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
coronial inquiry

means a coronial inquiry, coronial investigation or coronial inquest under a law of the Commonwealth, a State or a Territory.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions

includes any tribunal, authority, person or body that has power to require the production of documents or answering of questions, but does not include a Royal Commission, the Parliament or either House of the Parliament.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
crew member

, in relation to OBR information, means any person who had operational duties on board the transport vehicle at any time during the recording period of the OBR.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
criminal proceedings

means criminal proceedings before an Australian court.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions

includes structural failure.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions


Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
evidential material

means anything that may be relevant to an investigation.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
Executive Director

means the person occupying the position of Executive Director of Transport Safety Investigation referred to in section 12.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003
exempt foreign aircraft

means an aircraft used in the military, customs or police services of a foreign country.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
exempt foreign ship

means a ship used in the military, customs or police services of a foreign country.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
exempt transport vehicle


Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
expert opinion

means an opinion that requires specialised knowledge based on training, study or experience.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
immediately reportable matter

means an investigable matter that is prescribed by the regulations for the purposes of this definition.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
international agreement

means a treaty or agreement whose parties are:

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
investigable matter

means any transport safety matter that can be investigated by the ATSB under this Act.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions

means an investigation under this Act.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions
investigation warrant

means a warrant under Division 4 of Part 5.

Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003 - 3 Definitions

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