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Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
Presiding Member

means a person appointed under section 122 as the Presiding Member of Selection Committees for an R&D Corporation and:

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 122 Presiding Members of Selection Committees
primary industry

means any field of endeavour (other than the wool industry) whose objective is:

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
R&D activity

, in relation to a primary industry or class of primary industries, means:

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
R&D Corporation


Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 8 Establishment of Research and Development Corporations
Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
R&D Council

means a Research and Development Council established under section 92.

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989
R&D Fund

means a Research and Development Fund established under section 107.

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989
R&D plan


Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
R&D project

, in relation to a primary industry or class of primary industries, means a project for research and development in respect of that industry or class.

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions

, in relation to a levy, means the amount of refund required to be paid by the Commonwealth in respect of an amount:

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 30 Payments to R&D Corporation—general

includes orders.

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
representative organisation


Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 7 Representative organisations
research and development

, in relation to a primary industry or class of primary industries, means systematic experimentation and analysis in any field of science, technology or economics (including the study of the social or environmental consequences of the adoption of new technology) carried out with the object of:

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
research component


Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
Research Council

has the same meaning as in the Rural Industries Research Act 1985 .

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989
Research Fund

has the same meaning as in the Rural Industries Research Act 1985 .

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989
RIR&D Corporation

means the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation established under section 9.

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 9 Establishment of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
Selection Committee


Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 124 Establishment of Selection Committees—R&D Corporations
separately levied fishery

has the meaning given by subsection 5A(1).

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions
Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 5A Separately levied fisheries
Special Research Fund

means the Australian Special Research Fund that was, prior to the commencement of section 156, established under section 32 of the Rural Industries Research Act 1985 .

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989
State Research Committee

has the same meaning as in the Rural Industries Research Act 1985 .

Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 - 4 Definitions

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