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Higher Education Support Act 2003

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
Australian branch

, of a * Table C provider, means:

Higher Education Support Act 2003
Australian Qualifications Framework

means the framework for recognition and endorsement of qualifications:

Higher Education Support Act 2003
Australian Quality Training Framework

means the arrangements agreed from time to time between the Commonwealth, the States and the Territories to ensure the high quality of vocational education and training (VET) services.

Higher Education Support Act 2003
bridging course for overseas‐trained professionals

has the meaning given by section 104 ‐ 45.

Higher Education Support Act 2003
census date


Higher Education Support Act 2003

: see s ubs ection 58 (3) .

VET Student Loans Act 2016 VET Student Loans Act 2016 - 58 Determining and publishing census days
VET Student Loans Act 2016 - 6 Definitions
Chief Executive Centrelink

means the Chief Executive Centrelink referred to in section 7.

Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997 Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997 - 3 Definitions
Human Services (Centrelink) Act 1997 - 7 Chief Executive Centrelink
civil penalty provision


Higher Education Support Act 2003

means the Commissioner of Taxation.

Higher Education Support Act 2003
Commonwealth contribution amount

means an amount specified in subsection 33 ‐ 10(1).

Higher Education Support Act 2003
Commonwealth officer

has the meaning given by subsection 179 ‐ 15(2).

Higher Education Support Act 2003
Commonwealth scholarship

means a scholarship payable under Part 2 ‐ 4.

Higher Education Support Act 2003
Commonwealth supported student

has the meaning given by section 36 ‐ 5.

Higher Education Support Act 2003
compact and academic freedom requirements

are the requirements set out in Subdivision 19 ‐ G.

Higher Education Support Act 2003
compliance requirements

are the requirements set out in Subdivision 19 ‐ E.

Higher Education Support Act 2003
compulsory repayment amount

means an amount that:

Higher Education Support Act 2003

includes consent that can reasonably be inferred from the conduct of the person concerned.

Higher Education Support Act 2003
contribution and fee requirements

are the requirements set out in Subdivision 19 ‐ F.

Higher Education Support Act 2003
course of study


Higher Education Support Act 2003
course of study in aviation

: see subsection 128 ‐ 20(2).

Higher Education Support Act 2003

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