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Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)

includes a document and an oral agreement.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions

, in relation to land, includes:

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
internal transfer certificate

has the meaning given by section 36L.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 36L What is an internal transfer certificate?

includes a duty or obligation of any kind (whether arising under an instrument or otherwise, and whether actual, contingent or prospective).

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
market netting contract


Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998 Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998 - 5 Definitions

is short for non ‐ operating holding company.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
non‐operating holding company

, of a body corporate, has the same meaning as in the Banking Act 1959 .

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999
operating body

has the meaning given by section 36B.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 36B Restructure approvals—application
partial transfer

has the meaning given by subsection 8(2).

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 8 Overview of Act
receiving body


Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 36L What is an internal transfer certificate?
regulated body

means a body corporate that is:

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions

—a body corporate is related to another body corporate if:

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
related body corporate

, in relation to a body corporate, means a body corporate that is related to the first ‐ mentioned body, as determined in accordance with section 4A.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4A Related body corporate
relevant group of bodies corporate

has the meaning given by section 4B.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4B Relevant group of bodies corporate
restructure approval

has the meaning given by section 36B.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 36B Restructure approvals—application
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
restructure arrangement

has the meaning given by section 36B.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 36B Restructure approvals—application
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
restructure instrument

has the meaning given by section 36G.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 36G What is a restructure instrument ?
statement of detail

, in relation to a partial transfer, means a statement that satisfies the requirements of section 19.

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 19 Partial transfer—statement of detail to be provided

, in relation to a body corporate, means a body corporate that is a subsidiary of the first ‐ mentioned body by virtue of Division 6.

Corporations Act 2001
total transfer

has the meaning given by subsection 8(3).

Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 4 Definitions
Financial Sector (Transfer and Restructure) Act 1999 - 8 Overview of Act

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