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Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
September quarter

means the quarter ending on 30 September.

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 83 Definitions

means service as a member.

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 4 Interpretation
service for pension

means continuous full time service as a member after attaining the age of 20 years other than:

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 4 Interpretation
splitting order

means an order mentioned in subsection 90XT(1).

Family Law Act 1975 Family Law Act 1975 - 90XD Definitions
Family Law Act 1975 - 90YD Definitions
standard pension

means any of the following:

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 80A Definitions

means the Australian Statistician.

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 83 Definitions
superannuation interest

means an interest that a person has as a member of an eligible superannuation plan, but does not include a reversionary interest.

Family Law Act 1975 Family Law Act 1975 - 90XD Definitions
Family Law Act 1975 - 90YD Definitions
the appointed date

means the date of commencement of this Act.

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 4 Interpretation
the Authority

means the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Authority established by the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Act 1973 .

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 4 Interpretation
the rules

, in relation to a superannuation scheme, means the rules governing the operation of the scheme, whether contained in a law or in a trust deed or other instrument.

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 82J Interpretation
the Service

means the Navy, the Army or the Air Force as the case requires.

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 4 Interpretation
the Superannuation Fund

means the Superannuation Fund established under the Superannuation Act 1922 ‐ 1948 .

Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 4 Interpretation
transfer amount


Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 Defence Forces Retirement Benefits Act 1948 - 80A Definitions

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