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Australian Federal Police Act 1979

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
category 2 conduct issue

has the meaning given by subsection 40RL(2).

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 40RL Categories of AFP conduct issues
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
category 3 conduct

has the meaning given by section 40RP.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 40RP Category 3 conduct
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
category 3 conduct issue

has the meaning given by subsection 40RL(3).

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 40RL Categories of AFP conduct issues
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
changeover day

means the day on which Schedule 1 to the Australian Federal Police Legislation Amendment Act 1999 commences.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 41 Definitions
commencing day

means the day on which this Part commences.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 41 Definitions
commissioned police officer

means any member in respect of whom a declaration under section 40D is in force.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 40D Commissioned police officers

means the Commissioner of Police referred to in section 6.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 6 Constitution of the Australian Federal Police
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
Commissioner’s Orders

means orders under section 38.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979
Commonwealth organisation


Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 41 Definitions

has the meaning given by subsection 40SA(3).

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 40SA Giving information that raises an AFP conduct or practices issue
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
controlling interest

, in relation to a body corporate, means an interest that derives from ownership of at least 50% of the shares in the body corporate that confer voting rights.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 41 Definitions

has the meaning given in section 42C.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 41 Definitions
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 42C Conviction and quashing of conviction
corrupt conduct

: see engages in corrupt conduct .

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
corruption issue

has the meaning given by section 7.

Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner Act 2006
corruption offence

means an offence by a person who was an AFP employee or an old law member or staff member at the time when it was committed, being an offence:

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 41 Definitions

(short for Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation) means the body corporate continued in existence by section 5.

Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes Act 2011 Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes Act 2011 - 4 Definitions
Governance of Australian Government Superannuation Schemes Act 2011 - 5 Establishment

, in Division 3A, has the meaning given in section 49A.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 49A Application for restraining order
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 41 Definitions
Deputy Commissioner

means a Deputy Commissioner of Police referred to in section 6.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 6 Constitution of the Australian Federal Police
Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 4 Interpretation
designated person


Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 14H Definitions

means the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Australian Federal Police Act 1979 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 - 41 Definitions

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