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Airports Act 1996

Submitted by Richard_Li on
Distinguished Terms in this instrument
Term(s) Definition Defined in Legislation See Section(s)
environment strategy

means an environment strategy in a draft or final master plan.

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Federal Court

means the Federal Court of Australia.

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final master plan

means a final master plan under Division 3 of Part 5.

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foreign citizen

means an individual who is not an Australian citizen.

Airports Act 1996
foreign company

means a company incorporated outside Australia .

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foreign person


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Airports Act 1996

, in relation to a stake in a company, includes an increase from a starting point of nil.

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Infrastructure Minister

means the Minister who administers this Act.

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, in relation to an airport lease, means a right or interest, whether legal or equitable, in the airport lease, by whatever term called, and includes an option to acquire such a right or interest in the airport lease, but to avoid doubt, does not include, and is taken never to have included:

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interest in a share

has the meaning given by clause 8.

Airports Act 1996
international air transport

means air transport between a place in Australia and a place outside Australia .

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interstate air transport

includes air transport between a State and a Territory or between 2 Territories.

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joint‐user airport

has the meaning given by section 7B.

Airports Act 1996

, in relation to a loan security, means the person who is entitled to enforce the security.

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lending money

includes providing non ‐ equity finance where the provision of the finance may reasonably be regarded as equivalent to lending money.

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loan security

means a security held solely for the purposes of a moneylending agreement.

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major airport development

has the meaning given by section 89.

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Airports Act 1996 - 89 Meaning of major airport development
major development plan

means a major development plan under Division 4 of Part 5.

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moneylending agreement

means an agreement entered into in good faith in the ordinary course of carrying on a business of lending money, but does not include an agreement dealing with any matter unrelated to the carrying on of that business.

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