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AgriFutures Australia
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (AgriFutures Australia)

Accountable authority
Board of the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
Lead Body
Institutional sector classification

Section 35 of the PGPA Act applies
Section 35(3) of the PGPA Act applies

Outcome #1: Growth in the long-term prosperity of Australian rural industries by investing, through partnerships with industry, in research, development, extension, and commercialisation that fosters sustainable and profitable existing and emerging rural industries, and cross sector opportunities and challenges.
# Program Body Contribution
1.1 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Program 1.1 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation

Focus Area: Our Industries In partnership with each of our industries, create value by: Maximising the return on investment for R&D leviesListening to, engaging, collaborating, and consulting with our industriesDelivering research and innovation that addresses the specific needs of each of our industriesSupporting our industries to prepare for and thrive into the futureIdentifying, linking, and testing new technologies, practices, and innovations with the potential for our industries to uptake and adoptAssisting our industries to enhance their industry stewardship to build community and consumer confidenceFocus Area: Emerging Industries Grow the value and diversity of Australia's rural economy by: Driving the growth of emerging, high-potential rural industriesIdentifying new revenue streams Continued on following pages Table 2.2: Performance measure for Outcome 1 (continued)

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